There are some advantages when you buy registered longhorns at public auctions. They are fun, educational and support special causes affiliated with the industry .Private treaty offers some advantages that you can’t get at auction. The buyer has a more personal relationship with the seller and can get detailed answers. He sees the animal in a natural setting and may even be able to see offspring, siblings, and the sire/dam. Some sellers may not offer their best cattle at public auction but will occasionally price them at private treaty. The buyer can ask questions about fertility, medical problems, disposition, etc. AND take his time to make the final decision. The buyer might get a discount for a package deal.Finally, private treaty offers an opportunity to put a name and face on the seller so that if you encounter a future problem, the solution is much more personable and more easily negotiated. Customer satisfaction matters at the Gilliland Ranch.
Basically, each and every one of our animals are for sale. Some are priced very high because we hesitate to part with them based on their long-term productivity. Prices are subject to change and of course negotiable. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.
The Kansas Flint Hills
From Oklahoma/Texas: Take I 35 N; After Entering Kansas–Take
the first exit east on highway 166E to Arkansas City; continue 23 miles
east of Arkansas City on 166 E.; Turn left (north) on 291ST RD. and go
2 miles north.
Wichita–1.5 hours southeast
Oklahoma City–2.5 hours north
Dallas–5.5 hours north |
